Birdwatching in Cyprus

A Unique Opportunity

Cyprus is a paradise for birdwatchers, with its diverse range of habitats and over 370 species of birds. Whether you are a seasoned birdwatcher or just starting out, Cyprus offers a unique opportunity to observe a wide variety of bird species in stunning natural settings.

Where to Go For Birdwatching

Akrotiri Salt Lake

One of the best places to go bird watching in Cyprus is the Akrotiri Salt Lake, located on the southern coast of the island. This important wetland area is a haven for migratory birds, especially during the spring and autumn migration seasons. Here, you can spot a wide variety of waterfowl, including flamingos, herons, and ducks, as well as raptors such as marsh harriers and ospreys. The salt lake is also home

A Group of Birdwatchers in Akrotiri

to several species of waders, making it a must-visit destination for birdwatchers.

Troodos Mountains

Another popular bird watching spot in Cyprus is the Troodos Mountains, located in the central part of the island. The mountainous terrain and dense forests provide a habitat for a range of bird species, including the elusive Bonelli’s eagle and the rare Cyprus warbler. The Troodos Mountains are also home to several species of vultures, including the griffon vulture and the cinereous vulture, making it a great place to observe these magnificent birds of prey.

A Griffon Vulture in Troodos

Cape Greco National Forest Park

For birdwatchers interested in coastal bird species, the Cape Greco National Forest Park is a must-visit destination. Located on the south eastern tip of the island, this protected area is home to a wide variety of bird species, including the European roller, the black-headed bunting, and the masked shrike. The park’s coastal cliffs and rocky shores provide a  

Yellow Legged Gull

perfect habitat for seabirds such as the yellow-legged gull and the shag, making it a great place to observe these fascinating birds in their natural environment.

Larnaca Salt Lake

If you are interested in observing migratory birds, the Larnaca Salt Lake is another great bird watching spot in Cyprus. This important wetland area is a major stopover for thousands of migratory birds, especially during the spring and autumn migration seasons. Here, you can observe a wide variety of waterfowl, including flamingos, herons, and ducks, as well as 

Flamingos at Larnaca Salt Lake

raptors such as marsh harriers and ospreys. The salt lake is also home to several species of waders, making it a must-visit destination for birdwatchers.

Oroklini Lake

This wetland area near Larnaca is a popular bird-watching site, with a variety of water-birds and waders to be seen. Several bird species can be spotted in Oroklini Lake, making it a great spot for birdwatching enthusiasts. Some of the species that can be seen include flamingos, black-winged stilts, little egrets, grey herons, and common coots. Additionally, during the migration season, one can also spot various other bird species such as sandpipers, plovers, and terns.

Western Sandpiper

Akamas Peninsula

This rugged and unspoiled area in western Cyprus is home to a diverse range of bird species, including Bonelli’s eagles, European rollers, and various migratory birds. Akamas Peninsula is a great spot for birdwatching, with a diverse range of bird species. Some of the birds seen in the area include the Griffon Vulture, the Cyprus Wheatear, the Blue Rock Thrush, and the Sardinian Warbler. Other bird species that are

Eurasian Hoopoe

commonly found in the Akamas Peninsula include the Eurasian Hoopoe, the European Bee-eater, the Common Kestrel, and the Masked Shrike. Birdwatchers can also spot migratory birds such as the Red-backed Shrike, the Common Nightingale, and the European Roller during the spring and autumn.

Polis Chrysochous

Polis Chrysochous is a great place for birdwatching. You can spot a variety of birds in the area, including the Eurasian hoopoe, the European bee-eater, the Sardinian warbler, the black-headed bunting, and the common kestrel. Other species that can be seen are the European roller, the Cretzschmar’s bunting, and the Eurasian jay. The area is also home to several 

The European Beeeaters Sitting on a Branch

species of migratory birds that pass through during the spring and autumn, such as the European honey buzzard and the European nightjar. This coastal area in the northwest of Cyprus is a good spot for spotting water-birds, waders, and seabirds.

Paphos Headland

Paphos Headland – This coastal area in Paphos is a good spot for spotting migrating raptors and seabirds, as well as resident species such as hoopoes and warblers.

These are just a few of the many bird-watching areas in Cyprus, which offers a diverse range of habitats and bird species for enthusiasts to

The European Shag

explore. Additionally, you may also spot some seabirds like the Yellow-legged Gull, Audouin’s Gull, and the European Shag. Happy birdwatching!

Bird Watching Tours And Excursions.

In addition to these popular bird watching spots, Cyprus also offers a range of guided bird watching tours and excursions. These tours are led by experienced bird watching guides who can help you spot and identify the many bird species that call Cyprus home. Whether you are interested in observing migratory birds, coastal species, or mountain birds, there is a guided tour available to suit your interests.


In conclusion, Cyprus is a fantastic destination for bird watching, with its diverse range of habitats and over 370 species of birds. Whether you are a seasoned birdwatcher or just starting out, there are plenty of opportunities to observe a wide variety of bird species in stunning natural settings. From salt lakes and mountain forests to coastal cliffs and wetland areas, Cyprus offers a unique opportunity to experience the beauty of bird watching in a stunning Mediterranean setting.

By Charlie

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